Adapter Pattern

Adapter Pattern works as a bridge between two incompatible interfaces. This is a structural pattern that combines the capability of two different interfaces.

Adapter Pattern involves a single class which is responsible to join functionalities of independent or incompatible interfaces.

Using of adapter Pattern can be demonstrated via following example : an audio player device can play mp3 files only and wants to use an advanced audio player capable of playing vlc and mp4 files.

Adapter Pattern UML Diagram

Step 1 : Create interfaces for Media Player and Advanced Media Player

public interface MediaPlayer {
void play(String audioType, String fileName);
public interface AdvancedMediaPlayer {
void playVlc(String fileName);
void playMp4(String fileName);

Step 2 : Create concrete classes implementing AdvancedMediaPlayer interface

public class VlcPlayer implements AdvancedMediaPlayer {
public void playVlc(String fileName) {
System.out.println("Playing vlc file. Name: "+ fileName);

public void playMp4(String fileName) {

public class Mp4Player implements AdvancedMediaPlayer {
public void playVlc(String fileName) {


public void playMp4(String fileName) {
System.out.println("Playing mp4 file. Name: "+ fileName);

Step 3 : Create adapter class implementing the MediaPlayer interface

public class MediaAdapter implements MediaPlayer {
AdvancedMediaPlayer advancedMusicPlayer;

public MediaAdapter(String audioType) {
if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("vlc")) {
advancedMusicPlayer = new VlcPlayer();
} else if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("mp4")) {
advancedMusicPlayer = new Mp4Player();

public void play(String audioType, String fileName) {
if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("vlc")) {
} else if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("mp4")) {

Step 4 : Create concrete class implementing the MediaPlayer interface

public class AudioPlayer implements MediaPlayer {
MediaAdapter mediaAdapter;

public void play(String audioType, String fileName) {
// inbuilt support to play mp3 music files
if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("mp3")) {
System.out.println("Playing mp3 file. Name: " + fileName);
// mediaAdapter is providing support to play other file formats
else if (audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("vlc") || audioType.equalsIgnoreCase("mp4")) {
mediaAdapter = new MediaAdapter(audioType);, fileName);
} else {
System.out.println("Invalid media. " + audioType + " format not supported");

Step 5 : Use the AudioPlayer to play different types of audio formats

public class AdapterPatternDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AudioPlayer audioPlayer = new AudioPlayer();"mp3", "beyond the horizon.mp3");"mp4", "alone.mp4");"vlc", "far far away.vlc");"avi", "mind me.avi");

The output will be :

Playing mp3 file. Name: beyond the horizon.mp3
Playing mp4 file. Name: alone.mp4
Playing vlc file. Name: far far away.vlc
Invalid media. avi format not supported

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