Category: Concurrency

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Managing Concurrent Processes


The Concurrency API includes classes that can be used to coordinate tasks among a group of related threads. These classes are designated for use in some …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

SkipList and CopyOnWrite Collections


SkipList classes, ConcurrentSkipListSet and ConcurrentSkipListMap, are concurrent versions of their sorted counterparts, TreeSet and TreeMap, respectively. They maintain their elements or keys in the natural ordering …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Blocking Queues


BlockingQueue is just like a regular Queue, except that it includes methods that will wait a specific amount of time to complete an operation. BlockingQueue inherits …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Concurrent Collections


Besides managing threads, Concurrency API includes interfaces and classes that help to coordinate access to collections across multiple tasks. Using concurrent collections is extremely convenient in …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Protecting Data with Atomic Classes


With the release of Concurrency API Java added a new java.util.concurrent.atomic package to help coordinate access to primitive values and object references. As with most classes …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Increasing Concurrency with Pools


Executors class has factory methods that act on a pool of threads, rather than on a single thread. A thread pool is a group of pre-instantiated …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Scheduling tasks using Concurrency API


Oftentimes in Java, there is a need to schedule a task to happen at some future time. Sometimes tasks must be scheduled to happen repeatedly, at …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

java.util.concurrent.Callable interface


Callable interface is similar to Runnable except that its call() method returns a value and can throw a checked exception, while run() method of Runnable interface …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Submitting Tasks to ExecutorService


Tasks to an ExecutorService can be submitted in multiple ways. execute() method is inherited from the Executor interface, which ExecutorService interface extends. The execute() method takes …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Shutting Down a Thread Executor


One using a thread executor is finished, it is important to call the shutdown() method on an instance of an ExecutorService interface. A thread executor creates …