Business Delegate Pattern
Business Delegate Pattern is used to decouple presentation tier and business tier. It is basically used to reduce communication or remote lookup functionality to business tier …
Jakarta XML Web Services (JAX-WS)
Jakarta XML Web Services (formely Java API for XML Web Services) is a Jakarta EE API for creating web services, particularly SOAP services, JAX-WS is one …
Managing Concurrent Processes
The Concurrency API includes classes that can be used to coordinate tasks among a group of related threads. These classes are designated for use in some …
SkipList and CopyOnWrite Collections
SkipList classes, ConcurrentSkipListSet and ConcurrentSkipListMap, are concurrent versions of their sorted counterparts, TreeSet and TreeMap, respectively. They maintain their elements or keys in the natural ordering …
Blocking Queues
BlockingQueue is just like a regular Queue, except that it includes methods that will wait a specific amount of time to complete an operation. BlockingQueue inherits …
Concurrent Collections
Besides managing threads, Concurrency API includes interfaces and classes that help to coordinate access to collections across multiple tasks. Using concurrent collections is extremely convenient in …
Protecting Data with Atomic Classes
With the release of Concurrency API Java added a new java.util.concurrent.atomic package to help coordinate access to primitive values and object references. As with most classes …
Increasing Concurrency with Pools
Executors class has factory methods that act on a pool of threads, rather than on a single thread. A thread pool is a group of pre-instantiated …
Scheduling tasks using Concurrency API
Oftentimes in Java, there is a need to schedule a task to happen at some future time. Sometimes tasks must be scheduled to happen repeatedly, at …
java.util.concurrent.Callable interface
Callable interface is similar to Runnable except that its call() method returns a value and can throw a checked exception, while run() method of Runnable interface …