JMS Application with Spring Boot
Spring provides a JMS Integration framework that simplifies the use of JMS API. The key class provided by Spring is JmsTemplate : JmsTemplate class handles the …
Task Scheduling in Spring
In many applications, various tasks (such as sending e-mail notifications to customers, running day-end jobs, doing data housekeeping and updating data in batches) need to be …
Spring Boot and H2 in memory database – why, what and how ?
What is an in memory database ? In memory database is created when an application starts up and destroyed when the application is stopped. In memory …
@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations
Simply put, the @RequestBody annotation maps the HttpRequest body to a transfer or domain object, enabling automatic deserialization of the inbound HttpRequest onto a Java object. The example …
CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner interfaces
Spring Boot provides two interfaces to run specific pieces of code when an application is fully started. These interfaces get called just before run() once SpringApplication …
Building an Application with Spring Boot
To launch Spring Boot Application developer needs to do the following : Add dependencies provided by Spring Boot to a project. This can be done in …
Spring Boot Tutorial
Spring Boot favours convention over configuration and is designed to get developer running application as quickly as possible. Spring Boot uses completely new way of Java …