Category: Containerization

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 6


Secret is like sending some encoded data to the Pod. Once the data reaches the Pod, it decodes inside. Like with a configMap, there are two …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 5


How to take the backup of Kubernetes etcd database ? For working with etcd a client software called etcdctl must be downloaded. Below is installation script …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 4


Probe is a concept that is used for checking the “health” of a pod, i.e. whether the container inside is running or not. There are two …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 3


Every pod has its own ip address. Pod ip address cannot be accessed from outside world, because Pod ip address is from CNI (Container Network Interface), …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 2


kubectl get nodes – command that show all the nodes in the cluster. This command is executed on Master. If kubelet service is not running on …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Kubernetes Certification Training Course : Lecture 1


What is Kubernetes all together ? Kubernetes is Container Orchestration Tool that solves common Infrastructure and Devops challenges : Which Node suits the Container Requirement Maintain …

ContainerizationRelevant topics

Why Containerization Has Emerged


Earlier days, Physical Servers were used to host the application. Physical servers have good capacity : good amount of ram, big disk capacity. First, an OS …