Category: Relevant topics

JavaEEJPARelevant topics

JPA Specification


JPA (Java Persistence API) is a Java specification for managing relational data in Java applications. It allows to access and persist data between Java object/class and …

Build ToolsMavenOtherRelevant topics

Maven BOM (Bill of Materials)


Maven tag <dependencyManagement> does not create dependencies, but informs of which dependency versions will be used in the project. Usually <dependencyManagement> is defined either in parent …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Java ThreadLocal


Java ThreadLocal class enables developer to create variables that can only be read and written by the same thread. Thus, even if two threads are executing …

ConcurrencyJavaSERelevant topics

Java Volatile Keyword


The Java volatile keyword guarantees visibility of changes to variables across threads. In a multithreaded applications, where the threads operate on non-volatile variables, each thread may …

JavaSERelevant topics

Class initialization in Java


Class initialization means initializing all static members of the class. Class in Java is initialized when : An instance of the class is created using either …

JavaSERelevant topics

Class Loaders in Java


Class loaders are responsible for loading Java classes during runtime dynamically to the JVM. They are part of JRE. JVM doesn’t need to know about the …

FrameworksRelevant topicsSpring

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody annotations


Simply put, the @RequestBody annotation maps the HttpRequest body to a transfer or domain object, enabling automatic deserialization of the inbound HttpRequest onto a Java object. The example …

FrameworksRelevant topicsSpring

CommandLineRunner and ApplicationRunner interfaces


Spring Boot provides two interfaces to run specific pieces of code when an application is fully started. These interfaces get called just before run() once SpringApplication …

Build ToolsMavenOtherRelevant topics

Maven Dependency Scopes


Maven Dependency Scope attribute is used to specify the visibility of a dependency, relative to the different lifecycle phases (build, test, runtime etc). Maven provides six …

FrameworksRelevant topicsSpring

Building an Application with Spring Boot


To launch Spring Boot Application developer needs to do the following : Add dependencies provided by Spring Boot to a project. This can be done in …